Beats of A Restless Heart

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Can women bring peace to World.....

Like world is shrinking in refernce to technology,war for resources, clash of cultures happening frequently.Countries are getting intolerant.Peace seems to be a rare commodity, always in demand but absent in stock. Since woman is more pro-peace than war-obsessed man.Its her natural make up. And men has to confront women at home , be he is president of a nation or soldier or a scientist or a comman man.

What can a woman do in bringing peace? This is strictly speaking about the theoretical aspects. In real sense peace is a very subjective issue. Many might agree that peace is a state in which a person perceives no threats – physical as well as emotional. Leaving aside the definition and perceptions, peace as comprehensive human security and not just absence of war or armed-conflicts is something people can look forward to and strive for. It has been stressed time and again that women can play constructive roles in bringing peace wherein a human can aspire for a secure life. But how far is this true and possible? Women, because of their negotiation skills, might have been unanimously chosen as the forerunner of peace. And this assumption is well supported by the fact that 1000 women were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005 and collectively referred to as Peace Women. These women worked in different fields to bring peace. There was a woman from Sudan who initiated a movement against female circumcision, a doctor trying to build an emotional bridge between Palestinians and Israelis, a social activist rescuing and helping the victims of Godhra rebuild their lives, an illiterate woman striving for a superstition-free world in an interior village of Assam.

If a woman is given the responsibility of bringing peace, she should be given the right to decide how this responsibility should be materialized. If a woman is not yet able to decide, her capacity must be built. the participation of women as mothers and parents crucial to develop the proper qualities in children to become agents for peace, but the influence of women in the affairs of the world, through their participation in all areas of activity on a full and equal footing with men is also an essential element to make war once and forever obsolete.Further, women could help reverse a prevalent philosophy of life that assumes that human beings are captive of the natural world, and that human behavior must therefore resemble that of animals; since the resultant struggle for material wealth is one with which women are very familiar, having long been victims of a system that values material productivity as the mark of success, but does not lead to security, happiness, or well-being for anyone.

There is a great need in our world today to include in education cooperative approaches involving respect for the potential realization of the highest qualities in every human being. Further cooperative attitudes and respect for others in the family will encourage the acceptance of rights for everyone: the respect for children and for women is enhanced in families where moral and spiritual values underlie the concern for material well-being. In addition, when these attitudes are extended from the family to the nation and the world, they hold great promise for lessening and eventually abolishing those divisive prejudices that have seriously inhibited growth and development.

In Last, I would love to share my favourite poem by Ada Aharoni.


How do you know
peace is a woman?
I know,
forI met her yesterdayon my winding way
to the world's fare.
She had such a sorrowful face
just like a golden flower faded
before her prime.

I asked her
whyshe was so sad?
She told me her baby
was killed in Auschwitz,
her daughter in Hiroshimaand
her sons in Vietnam,Ireland, Israel, Lebanon,Bosnia, Rwanda and Chechnya.

All the rest of her children,
she said,
are on the nuclearblack-list of the dead,
all the rest,
unlessthe whole world understands
-that peace is a woman.
A thousand candles then litin her starry eyes,
and I saw -Peace is indeeda pregnant woman,
Peace is a mother.....


Blogger Sapphire said...

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2:01 AM  
Blogger Sapphire said...

Very B'ful n Movin' poem...!!!

2:04 AM  
Blogger Observer said...

Thanks Sapphire,
Definitely Peace is pregnant woman because sufferings n tribulations for a creation leads to Peace and Joy which I guess score over Love.

10:45 PM  

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