Beats of A Restless Heart

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Why Peace , What is Peace and When!

We all here on web community talk about Peace(and feel proud that we are going to feed world with it! Ah rubbish! but we can Folks).

Peace -----> A much comprehensive term, more easier to write than to realize and spreading!Lets try to see what is in our own capacities!

Why Peace,What and When:-> Except Human species every other creature, seems to be in natural rhythm.May be, in the process of evolution, we Humans, have got consciousness, decision making power n ability to think and act coherently; our natural nature is not to LIVE in peace,but when we feel insecure( for one reason or another, as we are unaware of root causes) , we crave for a thing where we can get a solace.(Yes! here we need Peace). Humans generally are need, desire driven and this create a stair of hierarchy,about which we all are aware.Its same like evolution from a cytoplasmic cell to complex human body.From basic requirements of food, shelter and reproduction, we humans have a natural desire to achieve next hierarchy in every stage. This process certainly requires efforts, many time successful and other times unsuccessful. Failure and success both gives another desire to move ahead.After attaining a certain level biologically , we feel exhausted and we run toward a feeling where we can refresh our energies and hence introspection or analysis about what we are doing and why we are doing. <-->Here come a little of insight(in the form of realization) , which curositize(self coined word) us to ponder about all these things....Suddenly we may feel that these goals,achievements are ephemeral and will perish with time.On that enlighting spot we realize importance of life, human life......Here Process of peace starts.(WHEN Peace) ...

We started with facing tribulations and peace dropped in, which throw light over reality of events,their cause(which are our desires), interconnection of our deeds and their relation with future(defining science as well as nature's law of action n reaction). > Then the true feeling of freedom from all fears, joy in all actions, and continuous calmness in our existence seems to arise.(Surely!Fearlessness,Freedom,Joy,Peace are interconnected and hierarchical ).

Peace is a Universal feeling of staying unaffected from so coined good or bad(Saying good or bad is itself not well justified,these are very much relative terms).Its a process from inward to outward and then inward. Peace is everlasting sphere which keep on increasing. It comes WHEN there is introspection of ourselves,Acceptance of everything which is connected with us, and moving ahead without guilt.Why we need peace because we are naturally evolving species on the journey to evolve in to a less restless species!Cheers!Ciao


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