Beats of A Restless Heart

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Monday Morning....

HI Good Morning Everybody,

LOL in recent survey, monday mornings were found to be most fatal one to service class people,they says it increases the pressure at heart and finally after hundreds of mondays it tends to give up finally.Thaty its fun not to work on mondays even..Joking..But on serious note,its nt the life style which made us experimental animals for every day...Social pressure,professional pressure,personal expectations and loads of same things are increasing in multiple ways along with decrease in alternatives.People find momentarily solace in sleaping pills,antidepressents etc.Its the most simple thing which has turned higly complex these days.This has given re- births to almost dead traditional thearpies.But in my view all such things have a certain limits because they hardly reach the root cause..
Which in my opinion is insecurity or weakness.I guess just a little adapatablity towards exposure to adversity will kick out several insecurties...Just simple face them unless your inside not develop a certain leval of resistance.I guess this is utterly natural also.And Mondays and rest weekdays will be as enjoyable as Sunday.A little bit humour,best if on oneself.:D being silly sometimes helps a lot to come out of complex situation and believe me ,i know this art a little bit.....Carry on ....


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